Manifesting 2024

Happy New Year! I can’t believe it’s already 2024!

We rang in the New Year with friends, and I’m proud to say that Adam & I were in bed by 10pm (though we ended up being awake for the New Year because Nolan woke up with a migraine).

As we welcome in a new year, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on the past year and set goals for the new one. I’m not one to typically make New Year’s resolutions. Last year, my friend and podcast co-host, Jenny, and I made vision boards for 2023.

My 2023 Vision Board

My 2023 vision board focused on the word freedom. I was feeling stuck in the day-to-day life of being a full-time working mom, and felt like I was losing passion in the things that used to bring me joy. Reflecting back, I actually feel like my vision board came to fruition. I stepped back from a full-time role at work, had some incredible travel opportunities (that I still need to update on the blog…so clearly I’m still working on that lol), collaborated with some new and interesting folks on the podcast, and more!

While I haven’t created a new vision board for 2024 or made a New Year’s resolution, I am trying to continue focusing on the things that I’m passionate about and that bring me joy.

This article on Oprah Daily caught my eye: How to Manifest Anything You Desire. The article talks about clear goal-setting in order to start manifesting. Jenny and I had a goal-setting meeting last night to really clarify our goals for the podcast and beyond. We want to be thoughtful and intentional with what we do, and developing clear goals will help us to maintain focus. I’m also planning to set goals as it relates to this blog and my @wattersonswander account. Every year I tell myself that I want to focus more on the blog and be more consistent, but then I fall into the rut of work and parenting and LIFE. I’ve also never written down my intentions…until now.

I’ll be using this worksheet to write down my 2024 goals, both long-term and short-term. The long-term goal really helps me to focus on the bigger picture, while the short-term goals help me break it up into manageable pieces. Remember…I’m a special ed teacher by background. I’m used to writing annual goals for students—now it’s time to write some for myself.

What are your goals for 2024? Let’s walk into this year with purpose and intention!


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