Site Relaunch & Announcement

Don’t you love when you have grand plans and life gets in the way?! I had really hoped this site would be up and running by now (switching hosts is no easy task especially for someone who is not very tech savvy), but life happened…work got super busy, COVID-19 shut down the world, and overall I just wasn’t feeling well.

Well I’m happy to say that I finally found some time to dedicate to this space, and the site is officially relaunched! There are still a few kinks to work out, so I ask for your patience as I get all of the pieces up and running here.

And what would a site relaunch be without a big announcement?!

<Drum roll please>

Turns out the reason I hadn’t been feeling very well is because I had been suffering from severe morning sickness! That’s right…we are expecting baby #2!

I had morning sickness with my first pregnancy, but nothing like this. This morning sickness has kicked my ass…and I still don’t understand why it’s referred to as morning sickness when it happens all day, every day! I was still struggling with the it well into my second trimester, but now that I’m almost into my third trimester, it’s finally started to dissipate. I’m finally starting to feel human again…though there’s also the exhaustion and chasing around a toddler but I can’t have it all, can I?!

Over the next few weeks, I hope to have some overdue posts up about our past travels up here and just general life updates…stay tuned!


World Breastfeeding Week


And This is 2020